La Malcontenta Srl
Via dei Turisti, 9 30034 Malcontenta di Mira (VE)
tel. +39 041 5470012 (041 5203966)
fax. +39 041 5479427 (041 2770204)
Facebook: Villa Foscari “La Malcontenta”
Instagram: Villa Foscari “La Malcontenta”
NOVEMBER 2022 – MARCH 2023
Only for booked groups minimum 25 people (price for opening: 300 €)
The villa is open from 1st April:
Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday: from 9am to 12pm and from 2.30pm to 5.30pm
Thursday from 9am to 12pm
For visit not during opening days or times: +39 041 5470012 – +39 041 5203966 or info@lamalcontenta.com
Request for BOOKING (at least 10 days before the visit) by e-mail with this form.
- € 12 : full regular
- € 10 : students up to 20 years old
- € 8 : 11-15 years old accompained by parents
- Free entrance : children up to 10 years, accompanied by parents
T The visits could be suspended for maintenance works and/or management needs.
The communication of the suspension will be given within 48 hours on our socials.
Opening times and events updated on our Facebook page: Villa Foscari “La Malcontenta”
- Tourist guide with a regional license
- Journalist with card
- Teachers accompanying students groups (min 20)
During regular opening days and times, Villa Foscari La Malcontenta welcomes free of charge guests with handicap disabilities and their helper in the park surrounding the Villa. The direction apologizes for not being able to accommodate them on the piano nobile due to the presence of insuperable architectural barrier.